Most Recommended Lubricants and Engine Oil Brand in India

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RZR Oil Industry GT CI-4 Plus 15W-40 is formulated with Succinimol Technology. Suitable for use in both naturally aspirated and turbocharged diesel engines.

RZR hydraulic Oil 68 AWS(anti wear statics) oil is ideal for all type hydraulic presses CNCS & hydraulic operated cost moving machinery etc. These oils are blend up best quality high viscosity index base.oil & (AW) additives. Product feature

1. Provided excellent engine clean in all service conditions.

2. Excellent oxidation & stability to prolong engine oil life.

3. Excellent high sheet temperature stability.

4. Excellent protection against wear and tear

5. Recommended for fleet of diesel engine that coupled with EGR SYSTEM and common raid system for,

6. commercial road transport.

HYDRAULIC OIL AW (32/46/68)is recommended for use in manval gear boxes of passenger care, commercial vehicles 4 construction equipments where the higher additive of oil would interfere with gear selection.

1. High water resistance and give excellent service in application where water ingress is unavoidable.

2. High load caring ability

3. Protection against rust and corrosion

No. ISO GRADE 32 46 68 100 150 220 320
1 Kin viscosity sct@100’c 5.4 6.8 8.4 11 14.8 18.8 23.4
2 Viscosity index 100 100 100 98 98 96 96
3 Kin viscosity cst@40’c 30-35 43-48 64-73 100 145 209 304
4 Flash point (coc)’c min 210 215 220 220 230 271/520 277/531
5 Pour point ‘c max -20 -15 -9 -6 -6 -12 -12

These oils are unlikely to present any significant health or safety hazard when properly used in the recommended application and good standards of industrial and personal hygiene are maintained

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