Most Recommended Lubricants and Engine Oil Brand in India

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RZR Oil Industry GT CI-4 Plus 15W-40 is formulated with Succinimol Technology. Suitable for use in both naturally aspirated and turbocharged diesel engines.

RZR mp3 grease is premium quality lithium soap multipurpose automotive grease, with high drop point, good thermal and structural stability and also having resistance against water wash out with its smooth structure and high degree of resistance against oxidation and rusting corrosion . IT is an idea product for all grease lubricants parts of automotive equipment

1. Excellent rust protection and resistance to oxidation

2. Good water re-pellency. Good surface adhesion.

3. Excellent de-mulsibility.

MP3 Calcium Grease is recommended for all types of general applications of automotive and industrial purposes

1. High water resistance and give excellent service in application where water ingress is unavoidable.

2. High load caring ability

3. Protection against rust and corrosion

No. Test parameters ASTM METHOD Typical values
1 Appearance Visual Smooth And Homogenous
2 Penetration @25*C D-217 265-295
3 Drop Point,*C D-566 110
4 Copper Corrosion IP-112 PASS
5 Soap Type Flame Test CALCIUM
6 Color D-128 Yellow Brown

These oils are unlikely to present any significant health or safety hazard when properly used in the recommended application and good standards of industrial and personal hygiene are maintained

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